Exciting Experiment Expo

We had a great time in the ES Science Lab conducting a variety of student led experiments. Well done young scientists. Here are some of the highlights from the last 4 days!

Day 1 - May 17
Avery with Fizzy Lemonade
Vishnu and Sami with Lava in a Cup
Stella with the Liquid Monster
Milla with Invisible Ink

Day 2 - May 18
Carrilyn & Avery with Jello
Joeke & Danielle with Oobleck
Tyler & Alex with Lava Lamps
Yuxuan with Magic Goo

Day 3 - May 19
Carrilyn with Flubber Soap
Zehra & Xuan with Fantastic Foamy Fountain
Kayodee with Static Electricity
Alonso with How Things Fall
Camden with Eggs in Plain and Salt Water

Day 4 - May 20
Andre & Ibrahim with Water Colors
Haman with the Exploding Lunch Bag
Matthew with Paper Airplanes
Junno with Mentos and Cola
Maja with Elephant Toothpaster

slideshow coming soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mrs.Cook,
    This blog post showed me, how cool science is. It is such a good idea to make a few days, dedicated to science. I really love science, and I am really looking forward, to the days, when we are going to be doing this. I am so happy, that you decided to do this. Thank you!

    Wondering Winter Wolves
